Music, Music Analysis,

The Objectified Woman (Music Edition)


There is no denying the fact that the world is marked by imbalance. Gender roles have been strictly codified by patriarchal society and have remained relatively unchanged for centuries. In 1975, Laura Mulvey made note of this in her article “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”. Though, she was merely focusing onHollywoodnarrative film, her words could be stretched to include every facet of the woman and her struggles for equality/subjectivity.


According to Mulvey: “…the male gaze projects its phantasy on to the female figure which is styled accordingly….women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness”. As a result, women hold the look of the male, play to it and thus signify male desire.


This definition of gender roles is clearly existent within the world of narrative cinema. However, it is presently being challenged by both male and female artists deeming to take a stand against these stereotypical and dangerous coding signifiers. Can the same be said for women in the music industry?


Women as Sexual Objects   


Sex sells. There is no denying this fact. It is a tremendous marketing tool and fuels the insatiable cravings of a sex-obsessed society. Women are sexually objectified to maintain the strong patriarchal values that the world has been built on since the beginning of time. The Feminist movement made vast improvements during the 1960s because change was an acceptable and respected practice during this era. However, for as much as the 1960s accomplished, the Patriarchal establishment still reigns supreme. In essence, it is extremely difficult to challenge a system that has been set in stone for centuries.


There are many female singers present in the music industry. Many have great voices and maintain a strong subjectivity throughout their songs or performances. Artists such as Whitney Huston, Aretha Franklin and Reba McEntire are rarely criticized for their raunchy lyrics or fashions. The sole factor being is that they do not need to be vulgar or raunchy. They have been around for quite sometime and are respected on the merit of their talents alone. They have proven themselves. It is the younger generation of singers that are the most troublesome.


The Younger Generation of Singers


There have been many young artists that have started out as legitimate singers. Vowing to make it on the strength of their voice rather then the size of their body, artists begin their career with a dream. However, record companies place a lot of trust, time and money into an artist and if that particular singer’s record sales begin to dwindle, changes must ensue.


The most crucial aspect of this singer is no longer her voice. It has now become about her body and how she can sexualize herself to appeal to a large male audience (in hopes of obtaining fans that may not have been attracted to her music in the first place). If one would reminisce for a brief moment. Think about the artists that started off as innocent, wholesome singers and then abruptly transitioned into highly sexualized objects. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Mariah Carey (breast implants and all), Jewel, Fergie, Avril Lavigne and so on.


These artists will fabricate and state that they altered their look because they had personally changed inside. How naïve do these singers believe society is? There is no record company in this world (who has invested millions into this particular singer) that would allow one of its artists to alter their image for their own benefit. There is too much at risk. That is why there are executives sitting around a boardroom table for hours on end contemplating how they can better market their performer to the world. So when Christina Aguilera mentions that she became “dirrty” as a result of her maturation, one can just imagine the Public Relations group for Christina silently padding themselves on the back.


Music, Sex and Teenagers


The world is a highly sexually charged entity and sex is a key component for young adults. There is no denying this fact.  Thus, it is appropriate to discuss the nature of sexuality with teenagers at an early age. However, it is when these spin doctors of the music industry begin to exploit sexuality for the purpose of record sales that it begins to become a problem.


These artists are role models to young females around the world. They respect them and want to emulate their every move. They are so enthralled by their idol that they begin to dress like them in hopes of being like them (unaware of the potential risks). Males, on the other hand, lustfully desire these singers. They place their gaze upon them and begin to objectify them. The fact that males sexualize these singers will only increase the chances of these males sexualizing these young females.


Patriarchal society is a dominant structure and will more then likely stand the test of time. There will be movements and pleas for change but the roles will more then likely never be reversed. In light of this belief, the longer women continue to be objectified and classified as sexual beings, the longer it will take to rid the world of these sexual images threatening the innocence of today’s youth.

Film Reviews,

Heat (1995)




Al Pacino portrays Vincent Hanna, a cop obsessed with bringing down master criminal Neil McCauley (Robert De Niro) and his tight-knit crew.


Thematic Analysis and Review:


In 1995, Michael Mann achieved something no other film director had been capable of accomplishing; Al Pacino and Robert De Niro were finally set to work with one another in the same film*. Renowned for their tireless work ethic, their obsessive preparation and their legacy of skilled performances, the thought of Pacino and De Niro in the same film was a dream come true.


But there needed to be a perfect film** for them to expose their raw acting talent to one another. In Michael Mann’s ‘Heat’, the two of them are presented a blank canvas to operate upon, and as a result, deliver highly effective but yet (on the surface) vastly different performances***.


‘Heat’, in a basic sense, is simply about cops and robbers, which is not all that original of an idea. Especially since Hollywood has tended to exploit the genre to such a degree that it has become extremely difficult to discern one crime film from another. But ‘Heat’ is different. Superficially, the film is about an obsessed and tightly wound cop, Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino), in hot pursuit of a crew who are led by a controlled and emotionally restrained individual, Neil McCauley (Robert De Niro). However, in retrospect, the film is about so much more then simply “good” guys and “bad” guys. It’s about obsession and loneliness. It’s about respect and admiration. It’s about the human condition and how frail it truly can be.


Ian Nathan, writer for Empire Magazine****, may sum it up best when discussing the idea of thematic depth within ‘Heat’: “Michael Mann manages to encompass layers of character and theme, as well as action and extraordinary cinematic technique, to create a coruscating picture of the causes, consequences and human costs of crime in a fragmented world (2001).


To put it simply, Vincent Hanna is a man possessed in his pursuit of Neil McCauley. So much so that it accelerates the deconstruction of his personal relationship he has with his wife (Justine), as they can no longer communicate on a one-to-one level. Neil, on the other hand, lives a structured existence with no attachments to anything (not even furniture). If need be, he is set to flee at a moments notice. As he so “poignantly” points out, “Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner”. Both of these men live by rules and procedures. They are the best at what they do because they discipline themselves to do so. It is only in personal communication with others that they are left unaccustomed, lost for words.


Nothing sums this up more than when Vincent has been called to the scene of a homicide. A prostitute has been murdered and Vincent seems at ease with it (as if he is used to it). It is only when the mother of the murdered girl runs onto the scene that Vincent is left speechless. He does not know how to verbally console the mother, nor does he know how to assist her in any other way. He simply stares at her, lost in her cries of agony.


T put it simply; both Vincent and Neil are emotionally fragile individuals. One is a cop and one is a criminal, but yet they share a common bond in their lack of understanding of how to connect with someone on a personal and emotional level. That is why their first meeting during the coffee shop sequence is so crucial to the understanding of these men as emotionally aloof human beings. According to Ian Nathan, this scene is the foundation for the whole film: “On the surface, it is just a superficial conversation-two guys shooting the breeze-but actually it’s the delicate dance of two disparate souls finding a connection” (2001).


The Loneliness of Los Angeles


‘Heat’ is a visually stunning film in the fact that it takes place within the overpopulated Los Angeles, but yet is shot in such a way as to depict it as a lost and lonely land *****. Mann and cinematographer Dante Spinotti present a unique vision of the City of Angels: “Filmed across 65 separate LA locations (and no soundstages), this is an urban milieu almost space-age in its abstract beauty, but emotionally desolate, a blank canvass against which the dispossessed act out their desperate dramas. Nothing anchors people-all the houses are stunningly angular, magnificent architectural vacuums free of personality” (Nathan, 2001).
This is no easy feat to accomplish and definitely requires the directing chops of a highly skilled artist such as Mann. To create a sense of anguish and isolation in a land so immense is a true indicator of the talent of this auteur.


‘Heat’ is a highly ambitious (perhaps overambitious?) film which focuses on the plights of eighteen separate individuals******, but yet still manages to create a sense of surreal silence. There is a tremendous amount of dialogue in the film, and it is sparked by extreme violence during some instances, but it never becomes a film one can comfortably connect with*******. All of the key combatants in this extravaganza are emotionally cut off from one another, and as a result, the film becomes more about the quest for acceptance and understanding rather than about the physical confrontation between Hanna and McCauley.


Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, may have said it best about the loneliness one may feel in the town that isLos Angeles. In the song ‘Under the Bridge’, Anthony makes a heartfelt reflection about the idea of being alone: “Sometimes I feel like I don’t have a partner, Sometimes I feel like my only friend, Is the city I live in, The City of Angels, Lonely as I am together we cry”. Is there any better way to sum up the emotional detachment felt by the characters within this masterpiece of a film?

* Technically, Pacino and De Niro were in ‘The Godfather Part II’ together but never shared any screen time.


** ‘Heat’ is not a perfect film, but amazing nonetheless.


*** In actuality, there are many subliminal similarities between the two characters.


****The best film magazine in the world!


***** The loneliness of Los Angeles truly helps to reinforce the thematic elements of the film.


****** Very much reminds me of a Robert Altman film.


*******Which is not a bad thing in this instance.

Film Reviews,

Mad Max




Max (Mel Gibson) is a cop dedicated to keeping the roads of a desolate lookingAustraliasafe in the near future. But soon after a fellow police officer is severely injured, Max decides to retire from the force. During his hiatus, his wife and child are attacked by a gang of marauding bikers causing Max to seek bitter vengeance against them.




SPOILERS are included in this piece


‘Mad Max’ is a post-apocalyptic action film with elements of horror, sci-fi and melodrama. But at its core, ‘Mad Max’ is a Western. During the early stages of Australian Cinema, Australia struggled to define a cultural identity for themselves through the language and visuals of their films. As it is with most national cinemas, many filmmakers import ideas, themes and structures from the most dominant filmmaking country in the world, theUnited States of America. One of the most prevalent genres/structures in, not only film, but in literature has always been the Western. The Western, at its most basic level, can be used to symbolically express emotional truths about everyday society. As a result, the conventions and basic narrative structure of the Western have morphed into many types of films ranging from James Mangold’s ‘Copland’ (1997) to David Cronenberg’s ‘A History of Violence’ (2005). The Western has many simple truths and focuses on issues such as family, loyalty, adversity and heroism. So, one cannot truly blame George Miller for incorporating many elements of the Western into ‘Mad Max’. Every nation does it.


It is a very difficult task for national cinemas to define themselves (through their films) when striving to eliminate the imposing influence of American entertainment. American films have always set the standards for modern day storytelling, and have become extremely successful as a result. So in response, what other nations tend to do is to adopt the structure of the American film, and then deconstruct its conventions by using their own themes and symbols. This is definitely the case in regards to ‘Mad Max’. It is an action film fused with a Western, but still manages to create a solid Australian identity anyways.


Here is my Western take on the film. It is a story focused on the idea of a lawless land ruled by lawless people (Simplicity at its best). Multitudes of men ride into town on their motor bikes (horses), and proceed to terrorize it. The police, on the other hand, are powerless to do anything about it. That is until Max (the sheriff) decides to take a stand. It is not out of loyalty to the force or the land, but rather it is a vengeful journey for Max, who seeks retribution for the destruction of his family*. He may be alone in his battle, but his isolation allows for him to bring a sense of HIS own law to the land*.


Australian film and the Western, for that matter, have always been built on one necessary contradicting theme, Wilderness versus Civilization. The motorcycle maniacs enter the civilized city from the wilderness of the land, and then systematically deconstruct the structure that has been set in place. They are anti-establishment and anti-authority, and as a result, carnage and mayhem are enacted with playful exuberance. The wilderness is typically defined as an area that symbolizes masculinity in the Western. There is a kill or be killed mentality that exists throughout it. As a result, the civilized ones are unsure of how to deal with the wanderers from the land, and thus fail.


Max is a member of the civilized world. Yes, he does dress in black leather (which gains him points for masculinity), but he is unequipped to match the unpredictable rawness presented to him by these psychopathic marauders. After quitting the force, he further shies away from any form of masculine trait by becoming a family man. He buys a dog, expresses emotions to his wife (he was unable to before), and journeys with his kin in the family automobile. His mode of dress changes as well (he wears light colors which identifies his transition into a feminized male), which further works to strip him of his title as ideal male. As a result of these symbolic transitions, he is unable to protect his family in their time of need (when they are viciously murdered by the infiltrating bandits). It is only when he has lost everything that he begins to regain a sense of his manhood. He retrieves his black leather garb, obtains a powerful, 600 horsepower beast of a machine (car), and heads out after the bikers. It is at this point that he leaves the civilized world behind and dares to confront the untamed and unfamiliar wilderness landscape. He is expressionless (in other words, emotionless) and determined to kill these men in their own land. To win, he must become what he is not. He feels no pity or any remorse, especially when he handcuffs one of the bikers to a car leaking gas. Max is a new man with a new identity. He has adapted to the harsh landscape and, as a result, emerges victorious.


Australian Cinema is, in a large way, most concerned about the representation of masculinity in their films. It is an important thematic element to them as it goes to resemble the fortitude, strength and ruggedness of the Australian male. The fact that Max drives off into the wilderness at the end of the film only works to further solidify this point. Max is forever changed and he cannot return to what he was. In two sequels that followed, Max is a lonely wanderer, one with the wilderness. His body becomes beaten and abused but his survival instincts have increased. He has endured because he has adapted to the ways of the land.


‘Mad Max’ is a very low budget film but for its lack of money, the film makes up for it in terms of raw energy and mind-blowing stunts (especially for 1979). Mel Gibson was an unknown at this time, and his Australian accent is prevalent as ever. In retrospect, it is actually a shame that Mel Gibson became such a star in North America (Bear with me here). The fact that audiences will immediately recognize him undermines the overall strength of the film (in my mind). We know that he will succeed….it’s Mel Gibson. Back in 1979, however, audiences didn’t know what to expect, which made this film an enjoyable thrill without preconceived notions of any kind. With this being said, the film still continues to hold its own, and remains one of the most successful and important films in Australian film history.

* As noted prior, the idea of family is crucial to the mythology of the Western. In regards to ‘Mad Max’, other than Max’s family, there are no other families present in the film-the family structure has been destroyed in the future.


**Reminds me of Fred Zinnemann’s 1952 classic, ‘High Noon’, starring Gary Cooper.

Film Reviews,

Dead Calm (The Deconstruction of Gender in the Australian Action Film)




After the tragic death of their infant son, John (Sam Neill) and Rae (Nicole Kidman) decide to embark on a sea vacation to help them cope with their loss. However, after three weeks into their journey, they come across a seemingly deserted sail boat. As they study it from afar, they suddenly notice a man aggressively rowing towards them in a dinghy. Hughie (Billy Zane) comes aboard in a panic and declares that everyone on board that ship has died from food poisoning, and that he is the only survivor. John, in disbelief, decides to search the boat himself, and in an instant, their journey becomes a nightmare in more ways then one.





SPOILERS are included in this piece.


‘Dead Calm’ is a simple film. Its story structure largely focuses on the exploits of three people set adrift-both physically and emotionally-in the Great Barrier Reef (off the coast of Australia). The setting is defined by an extremely vast and spacious landscape, but yet the thematic elements prevalent in the film are of claustrophobia and loneliness. Director Phillip Noyce is able to create a foreboding sense of dread throughout most of the film by incorporating many tight framing shots (especially when he frames Rae’s face) and by staging many scenes in small enclosed areas.


As previously mentioned, ‘Dead Calm’ is a very lonely film. Other than the three characters, this film is devoid of any other human element. And even then, there are very few scenes in which the audience witnesses the three characters interacting with one another on screen. Of course, there are scenes between Rae and Hughie, but for the most part, their isolation from one another highlights how truly cut off these characters are from society and themselves.


Adding to these feelings of isolation and loneliness is, perhaps, the most hauntingly written score ever penned for a feature film. The music is eerily chilling, and creates such a sense of trepidation within the audience that at times the film is overly uncomfortable to watch. Graeme Revell, in charge of the original music for the film, establishes such a sense of unease that it provides the film with an added element of depth. As a result, the overall emotional and psychological impact of the film is heightened.


Australian action cinema* has always concerned itself with depictions of the masculine male. Masculinity is crucial to these particular types of films, and the representation of it is largely enhanced by the male’s assimilation into the wilderness of the Australian backlands. In most Australian action films, there is usually an ongoing tension separating the elements of wilderness and civilization. Men are typically associated with the wilderness while women are usually affiliated with civilization.


In ‘Dead Calm’, the wilderness of the outback is substituted with the limitless boundaries of the sea. In regards to civilization, it remains a foreign, unwelcomed entity as a result of the lawlessness typically associated with the unpredictable nature of water. For the first forty five minutes of the film, typical gender roles are reinforced. John, who is skeptical of Hughie’s story, decides to take on the role of active, participating male and search the other boat himself (leaving Rae alone). While on the other hand, Rae is defined as an inactive contributor. She is still greatly traumatized by her child’s death, and thus acts as caregiver who provides Hughie with drinking water when he arrives on board. When John visits the ship, he understands that the people on Hughie’s boat have not died as a result of food poisoning but rather have been murdered. In a desperate attempt to save Rae, John attempts to return to her on the boat. However, it is too late. Hughie realizes that John knows the truth and attempts to take control of the ship. Rae tries to fight Hughie off but he is too strong for her, and she is knocked unconscious. Hughie turns the boat around and leaves John behind.


It is at this time that the typical gender roles are forced to reverse. Rae must now learn to become an active participant if she is to have any chance of saving her husband. John, on the other hand, has now become an inactive member in the progression of the main storyline because of his isolation from the action. So, as a result of this key plot point, Rae’s character begins to change. She begins to grow stronger and more confident in her abilities. She learns how to load the gun, take control of the boat and defeat Hughie. In the beginning of the film, she was defined as a frail, weakened woman (unable to cope with the loss of her son), but now she has assimilated herself into the role of courageous leader (she is propelling the narrative forward). Rae has absconded with the character typically associated with the male protagonist (her name in itself is highly representative of the masculine traits associated with this individual). Her transition as a character is clearly indicated through Nicole Kidman’s excellent, strong-willed performance.


In perhaps the most telling scene, Rae is able to find and save John from imminent death. In fact, when she does discover and rescue John, she utters the words, “I found you”. Yes, it was her who found him. This woman has conquered the harsh landscape and saved the day. She has successfully subverted all of the masculine ideals Australian action cinema has typically been associated with**.


However, during the making of this film, many studio executives felt that audience members may be confused as to the ambiguous ending of Hughie***. Did he die? Where was he if he did not perish? The studio did not want these questions to linger as debate, so they forced a Hollywood-style ending on the film. Thus, Hughie is not killed by Rae. He returns and proceeds to attack her. She is defenseless and it now becomes John’s job to save her. In one telling instant, everything this film has worked for (the subversion of masculinity) is discarded and the normal gender roles (typical of film) are reinforced. It once again becomes a male versus male battle with the female incapable of action.


In the end, however, this film still remains a wonderful thriller. It is beautifully shot and the acting embraces an unforced naturalness to it. In basic terms, the film is a true classic that leaves one with an undeniable mark afterwards. ‘Dead Calm’ stays with you.



^^Of note, there are many instances where Hughie is associated with the colors of the red, white and blue. To say this Australian film is connoting many negative accusations about America is a monumental understatement.


^^In Tom O’Regan’s book, Australian National Cinema, he provides an idea as to why America is regularly identified as the personification of evil in many foreign film nations (and, on occasions, in American films, as well): “Part of Hollywood’s very popularity turns on its capacity to show American evil through hyperbolic representations of its own social, cultural and political dysfunctionality. And this is a temptation to any national cinema to itself produce American villains as Phil Noyce did in ‘Dead Calm’” (P.283). I’m not sure if this necessarily explains it, but at least it makes a valiant effort at attempting to justify it.




*Action Cinema in general.

** This is a very different type of Australian film. It dares to undermine conventional thematic elements typically associated with Australian national cinema, and save for the ending, is proud of its subversive ways.


***There is great uncertainty in whether or not Hughie is actually dead

Film Analysis,

The Teen Film: Sex, Lies, and The Breakfast Club


I desperately want to believe in the teen film as a valid interpretation of reality. That what I see for an hour and a half is not falsified in any way, but is a real, honest depiction of how it truly was to be young. I truly do. But unfortunately, the ideas touched on in teen films are as fabricated as the idea that being cool in high school truly meant anything.


When I watch a teen film, I am flabbergasted at the unrealistic portraits constantly depicted within the narrative. I mean, I have never been to an epic house party like the ones I have seen in films like ‘American Pie’ and ‘Can’t Hardly Wait’, or to a prom/high school social where the kids suddenly break into an impromptu choreographed dance session like in ‘She’s All That’. Being a teenager is the most crucial stage of one’s life. It’s where we learn and adapt into who we will eventually become as an adult. We are literally coming-of-age because we are dealing with pertinent issues for the first time. Subjects such as acceptance, alienation, delinquency, rebellion, sex, gender, and nostalgia are of great importance to us, and thus are continuously embraced by the teen film.


But the way they are approached is troublesome. In ‘I Love You, Beth Cooper’, a high school nerd, Denis, embarrasses himself during his valedictorian speech after he confesses his love for (you guessed it) Beth Cooper, the hottest and most popular girl at school. After confronting him about this after the graduation ceremony, he invites her to his party. She ends up showing up (at first as a joke), but through his unwavering desire for her happiness, she learns more about herself and becomes humbled by his words. Just like in real life!


Ah, Hollywood, realism is not your forte*.


I understand that most teenagers’ personas are merely illusions intent on masking the realities of who they truly are becoming (which is a constant struggle), but the reality of the situation is that one rarely identifies their true selves out of fear of persecution and ridicule from peers.


High school is melodrama. We are identified as embodying particular traits, and if we waver from our personality quirks, we are sometimes confronted and ostracized- deemed as some sort of traitor to the reality of who our friends THINK we are as individuals (even though we are still struggling to discover ourselves). This time of our life is capable of inflicting serious damage upon our maturing psyches. Our identities are shaped as a result of our experiences, because high school is the sculptor and we are the clay. We are the result of its touch.


‘The Breakfast Club’, though flawed as a result of stereotyping, is probably the most realistic portrait of teenagers**. The film perfectly identifies the clique nature that is high school. You wouldn’t have to look any further than your lunch cafeteria to identify the reality of this issue.


From my own personal experience, every day I went to eat lunch at my local educational institution, I would sit at the same table, and with the same group of friends. I would look around and spot the jocks sitting at their section of the cafeteria. To my right, I would see the yearbook committee at their usual spot. I would look ahead and see the ‘cool’ people section of the dining area. Then I would look to my left and see the ‘nerds’ (I’d define myself as something, but remember, I was still attempting to find myself ).


I remember the one day that I went over and sat with the sports crowd. I didn’t think anything of it until the next day when I went to return to my usual seat, and was confronted by some of my friends as to why I turned my back on them. Was it because I was too ‘cool’ now? Ah, the ridiculousness of high school.


Whether we believe it or not, we were all a part of some sort of clique. We wouldn’t be caught dead associating with other, ‘less-fortunate’ members of our high school for a large portion of time (we remained loyal to the members of our particular groups). So when Hollywood constantly depicts the most amazing guy or girl falling for one of the ‘geeks’, it unfortunately grounds the film into the reality that it is still a fictional piece of entertainment. Fear of ridicule will always curb these valiant gestures, no matter how honest they are. The quarterback will always date the cheerleader, and the ‘geek’ will always date the ‘dork’. That’s just the way it is. There can be no cross pollination because high school is defined by the preconceived notion that ‘as it always has been, it must always be like’.


*Life is defined by choice. The choices we made during this time period have now shaped us into the individuals we are today. And here I used to think that high school was just a waste of time.


**For all of Hollywood’s honest intentions, they still depict a falsified reality (no matter how fantastic and wonderful the events seem to be). When I say the most realistic portrait, I am simply referring to the movies defined as ‘teen films’. There are plenty of other movies designed to deal with teen angst on a much more serious level (like ‘Adventureland’, ‘Elephant’, Thumbsucker’), but I am simply referring to the teen films that are advertised as light-hearted and fun (Usually found within the factory of John Hughes-‘Sixteen Candles’, ‘Pretty in Pink’, ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’).

Film Reviews,

Wall Street




In 1985, an ambitious young broker, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen), is lured into the illegal, lucrative world of corporate espionage. His downfall culminates as a result of his addiction to the seductive enticement of power, status and financial wizardry promised to him by Wall Street legend Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas).




Janwillem Van De Weterling once said that: “greed is a fat demon with a small mouth, and whatever you feed it is never enough”. Greed is good according to Gordon Gekko. It is the template of society. Without greed, there would be no progression, no desire, no nothing.


Michael Douglas’ portrayal of Gordon Gekko is masterly. The slick and calculating financier who uses and abuses the people around him is perhaps one of the most vile and despicable characters in film history. However, for as much as the audience hates him, they can never take their eyes off of him. He controls the gaze through his manipulation and twisting of the emotional core found within the people he is trying to convince. As he notes to Bud Fox, there are no friends in the business world: “If you want a friend, buy a dog”.


Gekko’s name has clearly been inspired by the lizard that feeds off insects less powerful. Scaly and slithery, the gecko is a creature that is quite innocent from a physical perspective, but is driven by a desire to live and survive in the jungles of the land from all adversaries. Gordon Gekko is exactly the same. He is not content with merely surviving in the jungles of the business world, but rather is determined to destroy all of his competition with a vengeance. He is a greedy, self absorbed mongrel but people attach themselves to him as if they were moths to a flame. Bud Fox fits this analogy to a tee, and is definitely burned by it.


The 1980s were a decade in search of an identity. The 1960s and 1970s had been tumultuous years for America, and great change was thus needed in the 80s in order to instill some sort of defined leadership to appease society. When Ronald Reagan entered the White House in 1980, he demanded alterations in hopes of witnessing the revival of The United States of America. He pushed forward the prospect of individual freedom and the idea that the individual could accomplish anything on the strength of himself, rather than through a reliance on government institutions. In connection with this, Reagan also wanted to reinvigorate the United States economy.  Driven by the idea that dreams could be accomplished through capitalistic practices, America became a self-absorbed culture of excess. Greed was good!


Bud Fox is a man driven by these very needs. A broker who frantically must sell himself to clients all day long finally begins to become disillusioned with his current status. At one point, he notes that he wonders when he will be on the other end of the line. Instead of selling, he wants to be buying. His desire is to be like Gordon Gekko. He is passionate and determined and after 40 days of constant harassment, Gekko finally agrees to see Fox. But he is in over his head from the get go. When he enters Gekko’s luxurious office (which is ten times the size of his apartment on the upper west side ofNew York), he stares in amazed wonderment. Gekko is such an imposing figure that he intimidates the young Fox. Being slightly coy with him, he demands that Bud tell him something worthwhile. He is playing and toying with him the entire time (just setting him up for the kill). That is until Fox surprises him with a tip. Gekko no longer feels the need to kill him off (figuratively) and cast him back out in the harsh world of bureaucratic business. Gekko understands that he can now use him and mold him into someone who can help him become even richer.


Fox is so enamored by the chance to alter his present situation of financial strain that he quickly becomes enveloped into the lecherous world of Gekko.  Immediately, Fox begins to change both externally and internally. His suits become darker, his hair becomes slicker rather then frazzled, his ideals begin to change and arrogance begins to manifest itself from within (which has never been transparent before). In one instance, his desire to become someone has corrupted his ideals, and thus transforms him into the man Gekko wants him to be.


Oliver Stone provides an interesting sub-story at this point of the film. Fox’s father, Carl (Martin Sheen), is an honorable working class man who fixes airplanes. He is a morally centered man. He dreams that his son will make something of his life and desires the best for him. He truly cares for his son whereas Gekko merely uses him. In a sense, Carl Fox and Gordon Gekko are vying for the soul of Bud. He must choose between the ideals emphasized by the character traits of these two men. Bud’s desire has always been to become successful and rich, and he is easily manipulated by the temptation of what Gekko has to offer him. Gekko not only blackens the soul of Bud, but he also becomes a new father figure to him by lavishing gifts and women on him (which Carl never had the ability to do). Bud turns his back on his father because success has tainted him. Money has become his life; his new family (quite reminiscent of an important Biblical story involving God, Jesus, and the temptations by The Devil).


‘Wall Street’ is not a perfect film in any way. In fact, it is not one of Oliver Stone’s masterpieces. But it does capture a time period with magnificent clarity as a result of Stone’s ability to capture greed at its finest. With this being said, there are some elements that detract from the overall impact of the film. For instance, Darryl Hannah’s performance is forgettable, Sean Young’s turn as Gekko’s wife is small and unmentionable (she is barely in the film, although I assume that this is the point-the business world and personal world do not mix, and Gekko has clearly chosen the professional world as his family), the music is typical cheesy 80’s fare, and the self- reflecting dialogue by Fox is sometimes forced and illogical.


Though the story follows a familiar trajectory with rise, fall and redemption elements, there is still something truly intoxicating about the film. As we journey with Fox, we realize what he is becoming. He is no longer in control of his destiny. He has sold his soul to the devil in order to embrace superficial happiness. It is a morality tale that can speak to the likes of everyone. How much is too much? Is financial success the true meaning of happiness? Gekko is happy but he never truly lives in this film. He lives for the money and power but for nothing else. Is this the symbol of what life should be? Only you, the individual, can decide for yourself.


Film Analysis,

Independent Film of the 1990s


By the 1990s, film had become a paranoid industry. Because of its sole focus on safe investments, studios were no longer interested in taking chances on questionable material. It was all about making films that were guaranteed to be a success. Films such as Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Last Action Hero (1993), Speed (1994) and True Lies (1994) were just some of the films that were being marketed and released during this time. According to Sharon Waxman, author of ‘Rebels on the Backlot’, these films were designed to be audience friendly, marketable enough to have toy tie-ins, and to be able to guarantee a sequel of some kind. It was also a time that witnessed a tremendous advancement in technology. CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) was innovative and fresh and, as a result, was being exploited by film because audiences demanded and wanted to witness the unbelievable (much like the current explosion of 3-D).

However, studios began to get ahead of themselves. As budgets rose out of control and the content of the films were ‘dumbed’ down (most of these films could only be related to by the lowest common denominator fan), audiences quickly began to grow tired of this sort of movie making. Yes, the films were fun and explosive but they were mindless. Character and plot took a back seat to celebrity movie stars and loud explosions.

It was during this time of the ‘high concept film’ era ofHollywoodthat independent filmmaking finally hit its high note. In 1994, independent film had been thriving but had not yet been able to find its niche within the realm ofHollywood. That all changed when ‘Pulp Fiction’ (1994-directed by Quentin Tarantino) was released. This film was remarkable for many reasons, but perhaps its most important attribute was in its ability to finally provide a distinct identifiable voice for independent cinema. ‘Pulp Fiction’ allowed for the industry to explode into something original and fresh and, as a result, forced Hollywood to alter their method of filmmaking. The film became the tenth highest grossing film of the year and, at the time, the most successful independent film ever.

As independent film prospered,Hollywoodhad become mired in a slump. There once popular and profitable action films were failing on many ends. According to James Robert Parish, author of ‘Fiasco: A History of Hollywood’s Iconic Flops’, films like Waterworld (1995) and Cutthroat Island (1995) were being expensively produced but were failing to break even. Studios careless spending on surefire hits was backfiring. To make matters worse (because of the enormous success of the indie film), actors were willing to forgo their hefty paychecks (for the blockbusters they normally appeared in) in order to appear in smaller films (According to Sharon Waxman, they were hoping this type of move would garner them award nominations-there were certainly no film acting awards being presented to the action films at this time).

The studios were in damage control. Their fail-safe method of film production was self-destructing and they were losing a tremendous amount of money as a result. With the unimaginable success of the ‘indie film’,Hollywoodunderstood what they had to do.Hollywoodturned their backs on the expensive action films (for awhile anyways) and scrambled to exploit the success garnered by ‘Pulp Fiction’. Soon, the major studios began to create art-house divisions on their filming lots (like Fox Searchlight and Paramount Classics-the 1970s were being nostalgically reproduced during this time, twenty years later). As a result, an entirely new slew of directors emerged within the independent realm, such as David Fincher (Seven), Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights), Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich), and a countless array of others.

So where does this leaveHollywoodnow? Well, the tug of war that has been occurring since the late 1960s has, in a way, finally ended. Yes, there are films out there with massive marketing tie-ins and sequel friendly plots, but the art-house companies that were created in the 1990s still mostly exist. The studios now realize the importance of independent cinema and continually release films on a regular basis (albeit, in many fewer theatres). Hollywood is all about financial success, but it has slowly become aware of the importance of art as well. In a way, the studios have compromised with the artists, which has led to the creation of many important films as a result.

Film Analysis,

Independent Cinema of the 1980s


The 1960s and 70s brought about a fundamental change to the world of cinema. According to Peter Biskind (author of ‘Easy Riders, Raging Bulls’), the major studios, in a period of rapid decline (as a result of declining audiences), began to relinquish control of their empires to the ambitious artists (directors such as Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese, and actors such as Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson) of this era. It was an unprecedented time for the movies because film became art. It was made for the right reasons; not for profit but rather as expression. Just some of the important films that emerged during this time were ‘Easy Rider’ (1969) and ‘The French Connection’ (1971). However, by the end of the decade, the artist (writer, director and star) had lost control of their powerful position. Through excess and arrogance, the artists fell from their perch high above. The studios gained back what was rightfully theirs, and once again altered the film world into something more concerned about commerce than art.

During the 1980s, society had become enamored and enveloped by the nature of greed. The American Dream, concerned with prosperity and success, had been drilled into the mindset of society. Wall Street, finances, stock quotes, and the all mighty dollar sign became the symbol of a culture concerned only with their selfish selves. According to Sharon Waxman, author of ‘Rebels on the Backlot’ (in regards to the film world), studios began to be purchased by mega multinational corporations (Coca-Cola bought Columbia TriStar, NewsCorp bought Twentieth Century Fox, etc.). The studio heads (people with a legacy/history in film) were now being let go from their jobs to make way for business professionals, concerned only about the bottom line (the almighty dollar).

However, as these capitalistic endeavors were occurring inCalifornia, an underground, independent movement was commencing withinNew York City. Studied in detail by Peter Biskind in his book, ‘Down and Dirty Pictures’, artists trying to ‘make it’, but weary of the commercial world ofHollywood, were striving to recreate the role of the artist. As it was in the 1970s, filmmakers were attempting to breed a distinct and individualistic voice throughout their films. Directors such as Jim Jarmusch and Joel and Ethan Coen (from Minnesota) attempted to remain true to their artistic vision without venturing into the superficial world Hollywood had to offer (Hollywood studios, not wanting to take any unnecessary risks, basically ignored the world of independent film at this time). Yes, these films were low-budget, but that’s what eventually made them special. There was truth to them and they were about something real. They were trying to entertain while simultaneously striving to teach.

It was also at this time that Miramax Films, created by Bob and Harvey Weinstein, began to emerge as an important contributor to the independent film movement. The two brothers were serious about their dream of being able to “make pictures”, and did everything imaginable to see their dream become a reality. It was a very difficult time for independent artists, let alone new studios, to become a serious contender in the film world.Hollywooddominated everything. However, Bob and Harvey stood determined and began to invest in small pictures to help propel the company forward. Eventually, they became the ‘kings of the underworld’, and Miramax was soon deemed ‘the artists’ studio’. During this time, Miramax distributed such classics as ‘Sex, Lies and Videotape’ (1989), ‘My Left Foot’ (1989) and ‘The Crying Game’ (1992). Bob and Harvey both knew that it would be difficult to compete financially withHollywoodmovies, so they decided to focus their intentions on the idea of artistic and critically acclaimed films. The gamble paid off and they soon became a major player in the world of cinema (In 1993, Miramax was purchased by The Walt Disney Company for $70 million).

As the 1990s approached, the world of independent cinema gradually began to elicit reactions from the mainstream. Society had started to take notice of it and the artists that were emerging as a result.Hollywood, still wrapped up in their own narcissistic endeavors, refused to acknowledge the presence of any sort of competition. What happened next would not only shake Hollywood to its core, but would forever alter the film industry.