
Is Modern Day Music Timeless?

  What makes a band timeless? I was posed this question recently, and to be honest, I was unsure of how to respond. The reason being was that I don’t exactly know why a band becomes timeless in the first place. But I couldn’t admit this as a pop culture writer, so I came up


The Rock n’ Roll Cliché: A 6-Step Program

  If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I am quite intrigued with the idea of the rock star. My captivation is not solely fixated on the music, however, but on the lifestyle personified by the musicians. Their carefree rebelliousness fascinates me to no ends. I am a mesmerized child merely watching the


Is Facebook My Friend?

  My job as a writer allows me many privileges (The most prevalent being that I set my own hours of work). If I want to write at 3am, then so be it. The problem I seem to run into is that I have become obsessed with laziness. Instead of brainstorming about potential story ideas,


What’s Your Soundtrack?

“If I knew I was going to die at a specific moment in the future, it would be nice to be able to control what song I was listening to; this is why I always bring my iPod on airplanes.” Chuck Klosterman.   I want a soundtrack for my life. As arrogant as that sounds,


My Life is 2 Hours Long!

  What if my life were to exist within a film narrative? I’m not talking about any sort of avant-garde film, but rather a classic Hollywood structured screenplay. Wouldn’t life be so much simpler?   I mean, for the first half hour, everything will be sweet and dandy. I will have a loving family, a